
Ehab Badran

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Why Every Doctor Should Think About a Side Hustle

Being a doctor is a huge part of our identity, but it doesn’t have to define everything. So often, we get caught up in the idea that medicine is all we are, yet the truth is we have many talents that extend far beyond our clinical roles. A side hustle offers a way to explore those hidden skills and passions. Breaking the Medical Mold In the medical field, we’re constantly told that true success comes from excelling in our jobs—getting prestigious roles, winning recognition, achieving medical...

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in life is surprisingly simple: "The longer you stay in the game, the more likely you are to succeed" Whether it's your career, a business venture, a habit you're trying to build, or a relationship you want to strengthen, this principle holds true. It's not about being perfect from the start or expecting immediate results; it's about staying in the game, consistently showing up, and giving yourself the time to grow and improve. This approach works...

In 2023, during a late-night chat with a friend of mine in the healthcare sector, I came across an idea that completely changed how I think about my career and financial goals: The Real Price of Maximizing Your Earning Potential. It’s a concept that we often overlook in healthcare. Our main focus is usually on taking care of patients and ensuring good outcomes. But behind the scenes, many of us are also trying to figure out how to increase our income. The path to earning more money is...

As a surgical trainee, I’ve often found myself in a constant race against time. There’s always another case to prepare for, another skill to master, another article to read. It feels like no matter how much I do, there’s always more waiting for me. I used to think that the only way to succeed was to keep pushing harder, to move faster, and to do more. The pressure to be productive, to always be ahead, was overwhelming. But as I’ve progressed in my training, I’ve started to realize something...

The age-old question, "Am I climbing the wrong ladder?" resonates not only in corporate halls but also in the corridors of hospitals and surgical centers. Have you ever wondered if you're on the right path in your surgical career? This question isn't just for people in office jobs; surgeons ask it too. After spending years in tough training and working long hours, you might start to think: "I've missed a lot of family time." "Being in a top job hasn’t made me as happy as I thought." "A lot of...

Have you ever heard about the Law of Reversed Effort? It's a fascinating idea that suggests sometimes, the harder you try, the less you might achieve. This notion comes from a Zen story where a martial arts student learns that doubling his effort could actually delay his progress. This concept isn't just theoretical, it's evident in the real-life story of Dr. Barry Marshall, an Australian physician and Nobel Prize winner. ( I wrote this post about him before) Dr. Marshall was convinced that...

I have been trying hard to find a way to help memorize things, as it is really needed in our careers as surgeons and doctors. We continuously study and need to regain information effectively. I have found that Enhancing memory retention can be effectively achieved through mnemonic devices and visualization techniques, with modern apps further aiding these methods, making them more accessible and efficient. Here is what I found Mnemonic Devices: Making Complex Information Memorable Mnemonics...

Using Virtual Reality (VR) in surgical training is a big step forward in how we teach surgery in the 21st century. This new method started with early tries of VR tech, which was mainly for fun and army use. But soon, people saw how VR could really change tough areas like surgery. As a result, VR has moved from just games and military drills to the operating theatre, offering a hands-on learning experience without real-life risks. This shift means that trainee surgeons can practice complex...

Do we really need eight hours of sleep? As doctors in training, we’re always up against the clock, juggling studies and exams alongside career advancement. It’s a bit easier for medical students, without the full weight of job responsibilities and family life. But once we become doctors, the stakes are higher - our careers and knowledge growth depend on further studies and passing more exams. With just 24 hours in a day, finding time for everything is tough. A doctor’s workday can take up a...

In the medical profession, we often hear about burnout, and there's a lot of advice out there on how to avoid it. But it's a significant issue for many of us. Working in medicine is really demanding. It takes years of hard work, and we often have to sacrifice a lot of our personal life and hobbies. Our training is a long, tiring journey. We're often sleep-deprived, and our work schedule is all over the place, with long days and nights caring for sick patients. This can really increase our...